For the past few years, the CoSaS project could be told as the story of a few college students who were dedicated enough to their hobby to not let it fade away. Even though we've had to find time to work on our next mission (X) mostly during Christmas and Summer breaks, we keep plugging away at it, refusing to give up. Hopefully 2006 will be a little different. We've recruited a few new team members (who I encourage to announce themselves in this thread if they want it made known that they're on the team now) who will, hopefully, be able to carry on with Mission X as Yametha, Anarchic Fox, and myself, are once again hurled into the bowls of another semester of college.
What we wanted to do this month was finally show you all what we've been working on. We've released screenshots before - some of the media we're releasing today actually reveals how far those areas have evolved - but this will be the first time we've talked about what the mission is about, and hopefully give everyone a glimpse of what it would be like to stand inside The Ivory Rose. Much of the work here was done by team members who are no longer active members of the team... the level designer Finial and the artist Tazio to name a few, all of whom shall be accolade as their work is revealed. There are, of course, many more who's work shall not be shown today, but will see the light of day in due time. I am dedicated to not letting their contributions be in vain, and with hope that any of you are seeing this now, I promise to finish what we started.
So, with earnest pride, I give you the Mission X media release of January 2006.
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 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  A couple of coins will buy you this; a sheaf written by those who think themselves impartial and read by those who know they're not. |  Anarchic Fox thought we should make our lockpicks more "T3" ... Yametha was happy to oblige. |
 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  The city map is by zacharias and the rest is by ... okay, actually, all we care about is the map. You'll be able to see the full thing in the briefing.. and no, it's not horribly accurate to Thief 1, 2, or 3. |  Keys are like money. The more you have, the more doors are open to you! |
 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  The dubious Lord Raputo, protagonist of Mission X. Artwork by Tazio, voiced by Slyfoxx. |  Had he been born but two centuries earlier, he would have defended the faith with the weapon of the righteous. Now, in these troubled times, he serves his lord with the same fanaticism, taking gold for his work and turning a blind eye to things unseemly. |
 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  (No Comment) |  Once Digi learned how to make objects, he couldn't be stopped. Here's a few light fixtures he made even though he should have been studying. |
 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  The first floor of the Ivory Rose. There's four more floors alot like it. |  Somewhere between a shelf with a hole in it and the porcelain god, there's this piece of work. Watch out for splinters. |
 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  Many wonder who she is. Few Know. You are encouraged not to inquire. Artwork by Marianna Todd. |  No, you can't play it. That would be pointless and a waste of time. You're a thief. You lock-pick it and take all the money. |
 Download the music Clip Only Jpeg Panorama |  The cunning Lady Antonette, one of a large cast of colorful characters. Artwork by Tazio, voiced by Msledd. |  Not all of our scenery is built in dromed. Yametha threw this together without breaking a sweat, because Digi casually suggested it. |
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